
Pilkington Activ™ Range

The Pilkington Activ™ range of products combines both self-cleaning and solar control properties, helping to keep the glass cleaner and clearer. The ideal glass solution for conservatories and orangeries.

Pilkington Activ™ Clear

What is Pilkington Activ™ Clear? Pilkington Activ™ Clear is the original self-cleaning glass with advanced dual-action for superior results. It now forms part of the Pilkington Activ™ Range that also offers self-cleaning glass combined with solar control properties.

Replacement Conservatory Roofs - Pilkington

When fitted with Pilkington Activ™ combined with a thermally efficient glass such as Pilkington Optitherm™ S1 Plus, your transformed conservatory will be warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer and will look cleaner than ordinary glass.

The Product Range - Pilkington - First in Glass

Pilkington Activ™ Clear is the world's first true self-cleaning glass. Essentially it is the same as conventional glass, except for a unique dual-action coating which works in two ways. First it uses UV rays to break down and loosen organic dirt (such as bird droppings) and then it uses rain to wash the dirt away.

Self-cleaning performance of Pilkington Activ™

Pilkington ActivTM has been independently tested to the new standard and successfully meets the pass criteria. This Standard should allow specifiers to differentiate between glass with a classified self-cleaning performance, such as Pilkington ActivTM, and those without.

Battling the British Summer with Pilkington Activ™

Pilkington Activ™ Blue, an attractive blue glass, combines dual-action, self-cleaning properties with solar control performance to deliver a glazing solution that helps to create cooler internal environments – ideal for conservatory, glass roofs and entire glass extensions.

Product Finder - Pilkington

The Pilkington Activ™ Range of products combines both self-cleaning and solar control properties, helping to keep the glass cleaner and clearer. The ideal glass solution for conservatories and orangeries.

Solar Control - Pilkington

The Pilkington Activ™ Range of products combines both self-cleaning and solar control properties, helping to keep the glass cleaner and clearer. The ideal glass solution for conservatories and orangeries.

Pilkington Activ™ Self-Cleaning Glass

Self-cleaning Glass. Long described as an impossible dream, self-cleaning glass is now a reality, for use in your home. Pilkington Activ™ Self-Cleaning Glass. After years of research and development leading glass manufacturer Pilkington has introduced the Pilkington Activ ™ range of products.

Activ - Pilkington

Pilkington ActivTM. The world’s first self-cleaning glass. Products Compatible with Pilkington ActivTM. Oct-20. Testing has demonstrated that the use of incorrect materials and in particular silicone containing products with Pilkington ActivTM can affect its performance.

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